Die strukturierte Promotion verbindet individuelle Forschung mit einem umfassenden Programm mit wissenschaftlichen Kursen und Soft Skills. An der JGU wird die strukturierte Promotion von der MAINZ Graduate School of Materials Science in Zusammenarbeit mit Forschungszentren vor Ort, wie dem Max-Planck-Graduiertenzentrum und der Helmholtz Graduate School for Hadron and Ion Research angeboten.Die durchschnittliche Dauer einer strukturierten Promotion beträgt drei Jahre.
Doctoral candidates who choose a structured doctoral program have a clear advantage. Our students take part in scientific training and get the opportunity to broaden their perspectives in complementary skills courses.
Our support structure offers a wide range of ways to assist our students during their doctorates. Our staff helps with everyday problems such as finding an apartment or opening a bank account.
Our PhD students will have the opportunity to be advised by a mentor in academia or industry. This mentor provides advice and support in the student's academic and personal progress.
Seminars and lab courses, as well as scientific workshops with international lecturers are carefully structured to students' needs. Besides the scientific training during the PhD, complementary skills are also taught.
Most of our students successfully complete their PhD project within three years. This is a challenge that requires good planning, discipline, time and inspiration.
Through mentorship and with the support of the supervisor, we maximize guidance effectiveness to help our students reach their ambitious goals and get ready for their next career steps.
JGU offers junior researchers a fully funded program through a variety of sources. If students get accepted into our graduate school funding is then secured. This includes allowances for language course as well as research travel costs and much more.
PhD students at JGU are hired by the involved research institutes as research assistants. With their contract of employment JGU offers a fixed curriculum, individual support, a defined duration and regular funding.
Our structured PhD program aims at providing a flexible and individually tailored training program. It offers our students a training structure that can be adapted to their individual career needs.
This strategy is reflected by our training concept, which is based upon a well-balanced combination of independent high-level research in our laboratories and among renowned researches at JGU and its affiliated institutions.
"Advanced physics studies allow you to follow your curiosity to explain the basic laws of nature."
"Concettina Sfienti on building bridges for young researchers at the new Master Academy and passing on the love of science"
"A Master’s is essential for a career in research and industry."
"As a Master’s ‘student’ at JGU, you are already treated as a researcher."
"Physics is a future-oriented field because it drives technological advancement"