Exploring the laws of nature and the origin of the Universe

Bachelor of Science

The Bachelor is your entry point to exploring the laws of nature and the origin of the Universe on the highest level of academic excellence. The six-semester Bachelor offers you a comprehensive physics education while at the same time fostering early specialization and research experience.

Infografik Degree Programs

5 Reasons for your Bachelor at JGU

  • 1.

    Affordable high-quality education in Germany

    The German constitution grants free education as a basic right. Hence, except for a small semester fee, around 320 EUR per semester, that includes a regional transportation ticket, there are no tuition fees. The living expenses in Germany, as well as housing in Mainz, are fairly reasonable compared to other European destinations.

    Shared housing in the center city is available starting at 300 EUR per month, special student housing in apartments or dorms is also offered by JGU. Food, incl. fresh fruit and vegetables, is about 30% less costly on average than in France, the U.K. or the U.S.

  • 2.

    Attractive entry opportunities for national and international students

    You can start your BSc in the winter and summer semester. The BSc is offered in German with a few advanced lectures available in English to prepare students for international careers in research and industry.

    As a foreign applicant, JGU requires knowledge of German on B1 level. Special preparatory courses in maths, so-called Vorkurse, equip you with all the knowledge you need to have the best starting position for your physics degree.

  • 3.

    Excellent professors and mentoring

    The faculty in physics amounts to around 70 professors and some 300 academic staff members. This equals a student-to-professor ratio of almost 1:1 for every newly starting BSc student.

    Most researchers are active in groundbreaking international experiments such as ATLAS or JUNO. Individual mentoring, small-group tutoring, and early research experience with junior and senior physicists ensure high-quality training and individual support.

  • 4.

    Focused but flexible curriculum

    JGU is known for offering the specialized lecture series “Mathematics for Physicists.” The format of the series ensures that you acquire excellent mathematical skills for your physics education.

    At the same time JGU ensures that everything you learn in maths is relevant for your physics education. In addition to the core curriculum, the excellent research infrastructure at JGU allows you to engage in interdisciplinary research to pursue individual interests.

  • 5.

    Campus university and student life

    With around 33,000 students from 120 nations, JGU has one of the largest and most international student populations in Germany. Most of the 250 courses of study at JGU are offered on the central campus in Mainz with a vibrant student life.

    JGU is known among students and international visitors for its open-minded and friendly atmosphere. A broad range of on- and off-campus social activities are offered by student groups that help you integrate quickly.

"Not only is the Universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think."
Werner Heisenberg, Across the Frontiers


Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Faculty Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Staudingerweg 7
    55128 Mainz, Germany
  • +49 6131 39 20660
  • physics@uni-mainz.de